A photo of a hand holding an ultrasound device.

When You Need a Diagnostic Ultrasound, Make Sure It’s at a State-of-the-art Center in New Jersey

First used more than 75 years ago, diagnostic ultrasound technology has dramatically evolved through the years. By harnessing sound, rather than radiation, physicians can quickly and painlessly observe many different structures in real-time with no known risks. For this reason, ultrasound is routinely used during pregnancy.

The diagnostic ultrasound center at Arthritis, Rheumatic & Bone Disease Associates (ARBDA), with multiple New Jersey locations, brings together ARBDA Rheumatologists with extensive and specialized training in performing and interpreting ultrasounds for many musculoskeletal diseases.

Because ultrasound is a non-invasive, real-time view of your body beneath the skin, the uses for this technology are continually expanding.

The ARBDA diagnostic ultrasound center is headed by Amy Evangelisto, M.D., RhMSUS—one of the foremost experts in the field of rheumatologic applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound. Dr. Evangelisto recently served as the President of Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists and has extensive training and certifications in both diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound techniques. Dr. Evangelisto works extensively with the entire ARBDA team to provide ongoing education, training, and the utilization of new technologies to advance the treatment for ARBDA’s patients.

The ARBDA diagnostic ultrasound center is headed by Amy Evangelisto, M.D., RhMSUS—one of the foremost experts in the field of rheumatologic applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound. Dr. Evangelisto recently served as the President of Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists and has extensive training and certifications in both diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound techniques. Dr. Evangelisto works extensively with the entire ARBDA team to provide ongoing education, training, and the utlilization of new technologies to advance the treatment for ARBDA’s patients

Our center uses diagnostic ultrasound for bone and joint diseases.

At the ARBDA center, diagnostic ultrasounds are used to better understand the underlying causes of diseases and pain. Specifically, this technology is used to assess many of the diseases and conditions that rheumatologists treat, such as:

Additionally, a new innovation known as the “Doppler” technique has allowed doctors the see how blood is flowing through the arteries and veins of the body.

The newest ultrasounds are so sensitive that they can often “see” certain types of inflammation (called, “synovitis”) before you even notice this is occurring.

Infusion Therapy 

In 2001, ARBDA became South Jersey’s first independent rheumatology practice to perform in-office infusions. The groundbreaking use of these medications made it possible to treat inflammatory diseases by targeting specific areas of cells.

At ARBDA’s six current infusion centers in New Jersey, we perform an annual total of more than 11,000 infusions.

A photo of a person performing a diagnostic procedure on a patient in a room.

Therapeutic Injection

One effective method of relieving isolated areas of pain and inflammation is through joint injections, containing numbing medication and/or targeted steroids. These procedures are performed in-office, and take only 10 to 15 minutes. We can use Ultrasound technology to find the source of the pain, which enables a highly accurate placement for the injection. We also treat osteoporosis at the cellular level with similar injections.

During these injections, we may also drain (or aspirate) fluid from joints to relieve pressure. Or, to treat conditions like osteoarthritis of the knee, we perform viscosupplementation, replacing lost fluid with a viscous, lubricating medicine to relieve pain.

Looking for a specialist to help you slow or reverse some of the effects of osteoporosis? For these and other treatments, contact ARBDA.

[1] https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitting-products/medical-imaging/ultrasound-imaging#benefitsrisks
[2] Francesco Porta, Goran Radunovic, Violeta Vlad, Mihaela C. Micu, Rodina Nestorova, Tzvetanka Petranova, Annamaria Iagnocco, The role of Doppler ultrasound in rheumatic diseases, Rheumatology, Volume 51, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages 976–982, https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/ker433